The William C. Abney Academy seeks leaders who strive to make a difference in children's lives.
Our school was founded by the late Bishop William C. Abney in 1998, pastor of the Bethel Pentecostal Church and a leader in our community. His goal was to provide a new, high-quality educational option to parents who were frustrated with other choices. Through his quiet leadership and devotion to our community, he helped countless men and women raise themselves up to live a fulfilled life. Our school is integral to this outreach.
Bishop Abney’s legacy inspires us daily as we help children learn and grow at our school. We see firsthand the challenges that children in our community face. As teachers, leaders, mentors, coaches, and role models, we work together as a team to meet challenges and prepare students for success in high school, college, and beyond.
Being part of this team is more than just a job—it is about shaping lives.
We are looking for leaders to join us — individuals who have the passion, creativity, and motivation to face challenges head-on and make a difference in a child's life.